Sunday, March 12, 2006

Day 33

Well Good evening, I hope I find ye all well. Things are good on my end. I went to my first TACF Sunday meeting and it was good. I know I'm just going to get blasted by the holy spirit at some point and whether i start shaking, get drunk or nothing happens I know its going to be amazing. I can't wait to draw closer to God the father as well and there's just so much that I know is going to happen and its daunting. I just God to do his will and have his way with me because he knows best. Its exciting. Also I'm in awe of the place, I sometimes find it hard to enter into worship because my mind is racing with all that's going on. So if your praying for me and I know ye all are pray that I can just concentrate on him and I know everything else will come in time. Again I thank you all so much for your prayers. They mean so much to me and I know God is answering them because I've been so blessed recently. This week coming is focusing on the father's heart which is going to be class. Please join me in prayer as I ask God to reveal himself in a new way. Wow, even my posts are getting holier, this place is working. I'm sure I'll remember other stuff when I'm done posting but anyways keep in touch and I'm praying for ye all.


Anonymous said...

expect the best

Anonymous said...

I shamefully lost your email address probably years back but I wanted to let you know that you had a place on the map at a recent prayer event at my CU. I and other people in Lancaster are praying for you.

PatMan said...


I know that God has an annointing on your life to Lead in Worship... When you trust on Him more & More you will find yourself coming to a new place in His Glorious Presence...

Even though I fellowship in a Different place... I do pray for you & I know that God has mighty plans for you...