Saturday, May 12, 2007


Things are good. Its great having no reason to complain. I'm just really happy with where I am right. There's still a deep hunger within me for the things of God but in terms of life in general I'm excited. Its summer time here and the sun has been shining for the last week and a half, its great. I've nothing really profound to say which is kinda a regular occurrence for me so I'm basically rambling a blog post. Saw Spiderman 3...kinda depressing. The one thing I enjoyed was the redemption of the character Harry Osbourne. He was the one thing I enjoyed in the movie. Otherwise I found it frustrating. People just need to shut up and listen sometimes. We're often so inward focused that we view the rest of the world in relation to how everything suits us. We get caught up it ourselves, that's what happened to Peter Parker. Anyways, I also played mini golf this week which was fun. I'm now slowly becoming a bass player having played bass this past week at our Show me Your glory conference. It has been a real blast. Yeah, that's it really