Sunday, April 29, 2007


I sometimes get moments, where I'm overcome with gratefulness and thankfulness. The things that I've done and seen are so amazing. Whether it be peeling oranges in New Jersey, jet skiing in Perth or playing football on a sunny summer evening in Ballincollig. All these things are moments in my life that I'll treasure. I so often get bogged down with situations and circumstance but its so good to just take time to reflect on the blessings we have received. I look out my window and its sunny, that's an answer to prayer. I'm slowly learning to life life to the full potential that God has given me. Its such a journey with many twists and turns. I've come to a point where I'm excited about the next turn because I don't know what to expect or what its going to look like. Sometimes its best for us to just not know.

Friday, April 13, 2007


This topic is something that has been on my heart recently. The question was put to me today "Where does my responsibility in situations stop and someone elses begins?" In my role here as a small group leader its sometimes hard to say "Ok I need to draw a line here and give it over to God". We often place false responsibility upon ourselves without even realising it. We feel like certain situations are ours to be responsible for and when a consequence or outcome isn't one we wanted or ever intended we often blame ourselves. Blame that should never have been ours.

This is one thing God has been really laying on my heart. He's been saying "Let me take responsibility". Its in his hands that situations, relationships, issues etc are safest. Even something as simple as praying out a situation and verbally giving it to God helps. He wants to take our burdens and those things that weigh on our minds. I'm now choosing to give the situations in my life to God. Sometimes we don't want to give these things up because we want to be in control of the things in our lives. I've found that as I'm more intimate with God and as I get to know him more its easier to give every aspect of my life to him. I trust him. We're often slow to give things to God because we don't know him well him enough to trust him with the things that are most important to us. So I encourage you to get more intimate with God. Work on your personal relationship with him, then release situations in your life to his will. Relationships, choices, the future, finances, family. He wants the responsibility and its safest in his hands

Thursday, April 12, 2007

memoirs of a bogwatcher

I couldn't think of a title for this post so this was provided by my fearless leader the great gordini. Not only is he an amazing leader but also a jedi knight. Anyways I'm trying to blog more. I now have scheduled a half hour everyday for emailing blogging etc. So hopefully this will the last post about me meaning to blog more. I guess its just not high on my priority list. There's a load of other things i need to do before blogging but hopefully this scheduling of blogging etc will help the regularity of the blogging. So yeah. God bless