Thursday, May 18, 2006

Day 102

I've surpassed a hundred days. That's weird. 100 days without my mom's cooking, the fry, 4 star pizza. Notice all of what I miss is food, that could be due to my fast. Of course I miss you all as well and Ireland its self but its all been worth it. God has been doing so much in me. I'm starting to realise now how far I've come and I'm seeing the fruit of his work in me. I'm in the middle of a fast and its been good. God is bringing me through it and giving me strength. Even doing a fast shows what God has done in me because ye all know how much I love my food. Noel Richards is here this week and he is just amazing. His heart, attitude and knowledge is totally class. He is so down to earth and just a great teacher. He did worship this morning and I got to play bass with him so that was really cool. I'm looking forward to the "Come up here" conference which is in two weeks. My Mom and a few others from home are coming so seeing them will be great. We leave for Philadelphia on Friday so keep me and my class mates in your prayers for that. I'll leave ye with some photos from my time here. They're mostly from a social night we had here last week. We had to dress up as someone else from the school. I was my friend Tim and he took a stab at being me. Also you might see some orbs in a couple of them. Our building is full of angels as you'll see. God bless.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Just to let you know 2..

I was involved in worship again on Thursday night this week. If you want you can watch it on and click on revive tv.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Day 95

Once again my apologies for the lackage of postage but life as always is hectic here and I'm always busy. Exciting news, the worship school which I'm part of is going on a mini outreach down to Philadelphia. We're going to be going to a real ghetto type area just reaching out to the people there. There's a lot of brokenness and addiction in the area. Its going to focus around worship. There will be worship going on all day and we hope that will attract people and we'll just reach out to them, feeding them and just helping. So that's exciting. I also spent last weekend in Minneapolis catching up with Hannah and that was a really good time.
God has being doing a lot over here in me and in the school as a whole. These last two weeks my emotions had been very up and down and I didn't really know why. Then last Thursday God was speaking to me about it. At the beginning of the school I asked God for that real heart wrenching touch, where my emotions would just be overwhelmed and there would be an out pouring of my heart. In March he was saying be patient, this is a process I'm putting you through and I will give you your hearts desire in my timing. On Thursday night I was just worshipping and pressing in even though my mood was crappy I just said to myself I'm going to push through because my mood shouldn't inhibit me giving glory to my Father. So I just went for it and God spoke to me. He just said this is me, I'm doing this. Its another step in the process. I'm taking you there. So it's good to know God is hearing my prayers.
The school as a whole is really going for it more too. Last Monday we just had a spontaneous time of intercession and it was really good. God is here and he's doing loads. God has laid it on my heart to fast next week so keep me in your prayers if you can. I'll try and be more vigilant on my posts. Email me anytime. Its nice to hear from everyone. God bless