Saturday, November 18, 2006

Supernatural life

So this past weekend we went on mini outreach which is like a practise run for our main outreach which is in January. We went to TACF which is a satellite church of the main church here. It was an absolutely amazing weekend. We stayed in the countryside at a property with over 100 acres of land. The owner has been dramatically altered by God this past month. He has this vision for the land and this huge Barn to be used as a kind of retreat centre for youth and anyone who needs to experience to healing love of God. We were literally there for 10 minutes and this man Steve told us his story and he just broke down in tears just completely rocked by the love of God. We were there to clear this barn. We had a bonfire going for 2 and a half days with the wood we took out this barn. We had so much fun with chainsaws, sledgehammers and axes. We also were driving around in golf carts all weekend. We were really blessed by them and they were really blessed by us. We also went to some cell groups and got involved in the Sunday meeting. It was just a really cool weekend.

This past week I had a really amazing supernatural experience. We had whats called the glory school with Patricia King which is all about the supernatural and third heaven encounters. I had what I can only describe as like the hand of God in my mouth or angels or something supernatural working in my mouth. The inside of my mouth was moving around without me physically doing anything. What was going on in my mouth isn't even physically possible I don't think. It was like my teeth were moving around or something in a circular motion. It was unreal. I've asked God about what it all means. My roommate Shaun talked about God releasing a new authority through my words and the things that I speak/sing will have a greater anointing. Also I got an email from Larry & Ann about it and what came to their minds was Isaiah 6 and when the angel touched his lips with a burning coal and when I was just spending time with God and as I prayed the passage out loud it just really resonated with me. so yeah, god is meeting with me and working in me, its really cool.

My time here is going well, difficult at times but I'm constantly learning and growing as well as helping others do the same, so yeah I'm excited to be coming home soon for Christmas. You're prayers continually bless me, thanks guys.