Monday, February 13, 2006

Day 6

hey everyone. I write to you with something like freezer burn on my toes. They've a hot tub out back and when there's two feet of snow outside its totally class. Also rolling in the snow in shorts and nothing else then jumping into the hot tub is class also. They also run around the house ( its big) in just shorts and then jump in. I hold the new record of 5 laps non stop before getting back in the hot tub. Also remember its two feet of snow at night and no idea of whats under your feet. Anyways I am actually doing more than running around naked in the snow. I'm getting involved a lot in the worship and stuff. I also played with Dave and Josiah at a bookstore/cafe called borders and that was good. Its just a normal cafe and having the opportunity to just play worship there is really class. I'm off to New York on Friday with Dave and his brother to master the CD they've just produced. Its a prayer CD based around Isiah 61 and is just really powerful stuff. We're going to one of the biggest studios in the country where artists like coldplay greenday and loads of others have recorded. Its exciting times. I love you all and keep in touch. If you email me i'll email back. God bless


Steven said...

Unless you're going for a big brother 'Day 6 in the Youthstorm House' effect it might be an idea to change the title of your posts. :-)

I might go over just to beat your record.

Anonymous said...

just letting you know I am thinking of you. Hope you enjoyed your trip to the big apple, looking forward to hearing about it on your blog.Ann & Larry are here tonight, hannah is feeling much better.Love you a lot Mom.

Ann Dimond said...

hi Phil!
Sounds like you're having a GREAT, COLD time! Thanks for ringing Hannah...she's better....we're at your folks and they are treating us like royalty! (No surprise!)
Keep in touch! We LOVE you!

Ann Dimond said...

P.S....I use xanga much more...I find it more user friendly thank the drop in and say hi on my xanga sometime!