Friday, June 23, 2006

Day 138

I seem to start every post with an apology for the inconsistency of posting so I apologise for my inactivity. Its been a very busy 3 weeks with a lot of stuff having been packed. Since my last post the "come up here" conference has come and gone. It was great to see my Mom and everyone else and God moved which was fantastic. I also led worship at single parents retreat which was interesting. Its just been a very hectic few weeks but its been really good as well. I've learned so much and just drawn closer to God. Also a lot has happened. My room-mate and another girl were asked to leave the school about 10 days ago which was tough. On that same day I was asked to stay on as a small group leader. So my head was spinning taking in everything that happened. I took a few days to think about it, talked to some people, sought advice and prayed and I decided to take the position. So I will be here for another year growing myself but also helping others to grow and draw nearer to God. So I am now coming home a week earlier and I arrive in Shannon on the 29th June around 7am. Also there is a team from here coming over to Cork to work with us for a week and just pour in, I'm very excited about that. I officially graduated yesterday and we were anointed with oil too which was fun. So today has been a day of goodbyes and tears for some. I've had a fantastic time here and I'm just excited to tell ye all about it. I fly down to Youthstorm tomorrow evening which I'm looking forward to. A chance to hang out with Denise and the rest of the gang there for a few days. I'm in very much a transitional stage in this next few weeks but I'm trusting God. looking forward to seeing you all soon. Keep in touch and God bless.

1 comment:

PatMan said...

Phil, Thrust in God for he has a plan for you that spans beyond our own comprehention... I look forward to seeing you...