Saturday, March 10, 2007


God's been speaking to me a lot recently about this topic and I'm finally starting to hear him on the whole thing. I believe intimacy is the biggest key in our relationship with God. It is so much more than reading our bibles or worshipping. They are only part of the bigger picture of intimacy. Intimacy is about getting into the presence of God and staying in that place. Intimacy is communication. Talking with our Father. If you take the example of a marriage and contrast it with the relationship between us and God. In a marriage communication is so important. Sharing how our day is going, how we're feeling, our dreams, our desires, our frustrations. I believe our relationship with God should be the same. Honesty and vulnerability are so important. God wants us to be vulnerable with him. He wants us to want him. He created us for relationship and He's calling each of us by name back to him. I encourage and urge you to not forget why we were created, for relationship with our heavenly Daddy. He's waiting with open arms.


Doug Heffernan said...

remember to be close

Anonymous said...

Beautifully put Phil, thanks for encouraging me to keep talking to Daddy,