Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Influx of students

So they arrived yesterday all apprehensive and nervous. It was like looking at myself....Just as I started writing this i went to Denise's myspace and saw all the photos of the wedding. Wow it actually happened, they're married. It doesn't really set in until you actually see photos but i don't think it will truly hit me until I'm home at Christmas and its like... you're I wish i could have been there to join in the celebration and knowing our bunch it would be some celebration. However, I'm in Toronto and it feels right to be here. As I said it was like looking at myself just six months ago and thinking what am I getting myself into but God completely blessed me with that step of faith. The new students are great and there's a fantastic mix among them, so its very exciting. We went on staff retreat last week and that was a fantastic time. God blasted some people and there was such a sense of joy among us. It was brilliant. Hot tub at a ski resort too so that was kinda cool but no snow. Still a class time though. Since I've been back I've been sensing the presence of the Lord and the holy spirit like never before. Its so tangible and so real. I feel it through my entire body. I feel like he's just constantly equipping me, putting armor on and giving me the tools and weapons that I need. Even as I walk around or if I'm just sitting down he's just continually working in me. I hope it continues because I've such confidence in him. Its totally class. God is working here.


Emer said...

its so encouraging to hear you're getting on so well. missing you tonnes. just settling into my new surroundings too. God's going to do great things this year!

Niki said...

Aww you had fun on retreat? It was great wasn't it... Anywas I am glade your here see you in the morning, your leading worship so that will be awesome...

( there's your compliment ^)
